Lonely Road South

by Marilyn Cornwell
Lonely Road South
Marilyn Cornwell
It is a lonely road south when you are above the Niagara escarpment. Below are orchards and vineyards and flowers aplenty. Fragrant spring and warm autumn.
But not above the escarpment. Not to me.
April 2nd, 2024
Comments (5)

Maria Faria Rodrigues
Congratulations, your amazing photograph is Featured, in ONTARIO CANADA, homepage group, of Fine Art America!

Maria Faria Rodrigues
Congratulations, your amazing photograph is Featured, in the RED MAPLE GALLERY, homepage group, of Fine Art America!

Jenny Revitz Soper
BRAVO! Your artwork was featured on the No Place Like Home homepage on April 4, 2024. You may share it in the Group's Features discussion or any relevant thread.

Calvin Boyer
In addition to the banner, I am adding this more permanent recognition of its FEATURE on the homepage of A TREE OR TREES IN BLACK AND WHITE. I try mightily to feature only images that would be at home in a juried competition. No doubt that this image fits that bill. CONGRATULATIONS! And consider adding your image to DISCUSSIONS "Please post your featured photograph here" for greater, long-lasting visibility.